
Electromechanical Engineering Department Specialities

Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering

Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering Branch


B.Sc Degree- Energy and renewable energy Engineering.

M.Sc. Degree – Energy Engineering.

PhD. Degree – Energy Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering specializing in energy and renewable energy engineering

The branch of energy was established in electromechanical engineering department in 2007-2008.the name of the branch was changed to energy and renewable energy in 2013. The branch was established for the needs of ministry of electricity. The branch was established for the needs of ministry of electricity because of global need for using the renewable energies in produce the Electricity power

Work fields for an energy and renewable energy engineer:

The energy and renewable energy engineering specialization is one of the modern specialties that was developed based on the requirements of the labor market in the energy field, the energy and renewable energy engineer can work in the following fields:

  • Ministry of electricity
  • The Ministry of Oil
  • Investment Companies and the private factories.


Entities that have hired

  •  energy and renewable energy
  • Ministry of electricity
  • The Ministry of Oil
  • Investment Companies and the private factories.

Duration of study:

B.Sc Degree – Four years.

M.Sc. Degree – Two years.

PhD. Degree – Three years.

The scientific department that grants the specialization:

Electromechanical Engineering Department

The scientific backgrounds that can be submitted to obtain the specialization:

Preparatory school graduate. The scientific, applied and biological branches.

B.Sc Degree:

– Preparatory school graduate. The scientific, applied and biological branches.

M.Sc. Degree:

BSc Electromechanical Engineering / Energy Engineering

BSc of Education in Technology / Mechanical Engineering and Education

BSc of Education in Technology / Electrical Engineering and Education

Higher diploma in engineering education using computers (provided that the applicant for higher studies has a BSc degree in technological education / electricity or mechanics).

 PhD. Degree:

MSc degree in Electromechanical Engineering / Energy Engineering

MSc degree in technological education / mechanical engineering and education

MSc degree in technological education / electrical engineering and education.

 Electromechanical Systems Engineering Branch


B.Sc Degree- Electromechanical Systems energy Engineering .

M.Sc. Degree – Electromechanical Systems Engineering.

PhD. Degree – Electromechanical Systems Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering Specializing in Electromechanical Systems Engineering

Established in 2007-2008 within the branches of the Department of Electromechanical Engineering at the University of Technology. The Electromechanical Systems Engineering is the first engineering major in the field of electromechanical systems at the level of Iraqi universities to meet the immediate and future needs of the national industry and its developments through the preparation of highly qualified engineers able to meet the needs of labor market in state institutions and the industrial  and private sector.


The goal and vision of Electromechanical Systems Engineering

To graduate specialized engineering cadres combining mechanical and electrical engineering and computer systems and materials. They have applied scientific ability in various specialized fields, the most important of which are:

-Design and operation of production systems and on-site engineering processes.

-Operation and maintenance of various power production and distribution systems and generators.

-Analysis and simulation of communications, signal processing and sensors.

-Operation and maintenance of control and qualitative inspection laboratories.

-Design of new electromechanical products to meet the needs of the market.

-Apply field tests of devices and equipment and their compliance with technical and quality standards. 




Graduates qualifications of the Systems Engineering Branch

The graduate engineer has a bachelor’s degree in electromechanical engineering /systems  engineering


Work field

The graduated engineer from the systems engineering branch is able to work efficiently within the following sectors:

–  In the field of design, implementing and operating of control systems in all industrial facilities.

 –  All industrial fields of electrical and mechanical  engineering.

– The Ministry of Electricity and all power plants kinds in particular, the control .

– Ministry of Industry is in all its formations. 

– Ministry of Science and Technology is in all its formations

– Investment companies and the private sector.


Duration of the study of specialization: –

Four years.


The scientific department that grants specialization: –

Department of Electromechanical Engineering


Scientific backgrounds that can be offered for specialty

 B.Sc. Degree :

 Graduates of preparatory school –  scientific , applied and industry branches.

Graduates of technology institutes and technical institutes with corresponding specialization. 


M.Sc. Degree:

BSc Electromechanical Engineering / Electromechanical Systems  Engineering

BSc of Education in Technology / Mechanical Engineering and Education

BSc of Education in Technology / Electrical Engineering and Education

Higher diploma in engineering education using computers (provided that the applicant for higher studies has a BSc degree in technological education / electricity or mechanics).


 PhD. Degree:

MSc degree in Electromechanical Engineering / Electromechanical Systems Engineering

MSc degree in technological education / mechanical engineering and education

MSc degree in technological education / electrical engineering and education.

Navigation and Guidance Engineering Branch


The Navigation and Guidance Engineering Branch incorporates the following majors of the undergraduate and postgraduate studies:


– Navigation and Guidance Engineering – Bachelor degree.

– Navigation and Guidance Engineering – Higher Diploma degree

– Navigation and Guidance Engineering – Master of Science degree


Bachelor degree of Electromechanical Engineering in Navigation and Guidance Engineering:


Navigation and Guidance Engineering is an engineering branch established in the Electromechanical Engineering Department in 2014/2015. The aim of this major is to catching up with phenomenal development in the engineering sciences of navigation, tracking and guidance systems and their wide applications in the land, sea and the air. Also, this major is endeavours to be a distinct edifice in the field of marine engineering and remote routing engineering besides the control and tracking systems applications.


The opportunities for employing the graduates of this major is as the following:


Navigation and Guidance Engineering is one of the few and rare specialities in the world, even there is no parallel in Iraq. The fields of employment opportunity are as following:


  • Ministry of defence.
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry agriculture
  • Ministry of oil
  • Ministry of home office
  • Meteorological department
  • Ministry of Electrical
  • Ministry of Youth and Sports
  • Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction



List of employers who employees the graduates


Although two classes were graduated so far, a good number has been appointed in the following  places of business:


  • Ministry of defence.
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry of home office


Course period:

Four years (Full time)


Specialization awarding body:

Electromechanical Engineering Department


The scientific background qualification of the candidates to be accepted:

High School graduates (Applied and Biological branch ), institutes graduates, High School graduates (The professional education with the corresponding specialization).






Diploma degree in Electromechanical Engineering Navigation and Guidance Engineering specialization


Navigation and Guidance Engineering is an engineering branch established in the Electromechanical Engineering Department in 2014/2015. Postgraduate studies (Higher Diploma) has been commencement in 2020/2021. The aim of this major is to catching up with phenomenal development in the engineering sciences of navigation, tracking and guidance systems and their wide applications in the land, sea and the air. This branch endeavours to be a distinct edifice in the field of marine engineering and remote routing engineering besides the control and tracking systems applications. It is the first branch to begin the postgraduate studies in this field of navigation and guidance engineering in the Iraqi engineering universities. This major is concerned about studying techniques for locating vehicles, determining their path and directing them to their targets. On the other hand, the aims are to provide the relevant institutions and private sectors with advanced and highly qualified cadres in the field of navigation and guidance engineering to work in the design and implementation of various navigation systems control and tracking systems such as aircraft, airports, ships, locomotives and vehicles. Additionally, the other objectives of this field are represented by the ability in developing the mobile phones, providing the community with specialists, experts and scientific consultants in this field as well as supporting scientific research centres and projects within this field with skilled cadres that enhance the communication with engineering institutions and private sectors with local and international relations. 


The opportunities for employing the Diploma degree of this major is as the following:


Navigation and Guidance Engineering is one of the few and rare specialities in the world, even there is no parallel in Iraq. The fields of employment opportunity are as following:


  • Ministry of Defence.
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry agriculture
  • Ministry of oil
  • Ministry of home office
  • Meteorological department
  • Ministry of Electrical
  • Ministry of Youth and Sports
  • Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction



List of employers who employees the graduates

 In progressing


Course period:

One year (Full time)


Specialization awarding body:

Electromechanical Engineering Department



The scientific background qualification of the candidates to be accepted:


The scientific backgrounds of the applicant to obtain a diploma in this field are 

  • Bachelor’s degree in Electromechanical Engineering / Navigation and Guidance Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Communication Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Control Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Education in Technology / Electrical Engineering and Education
  • Bachelor’s degree in Aircraft Engineering



Master of Science degree in Electromechanical Engineering Navigation and Guidance Engineering specialization


 Navigation and Guidance Engineering is an engineering branch established in the Electromechanical Engineering Department in 2014/2015. Postgraduate studies (Master of Science) has been commencement in 2020/2021. The aim of this major is to catching up with phenomenal development in the engineering sciences of navigation, tracking and guidance systems and their wide applications in the land, sea and the air. This branch endeavours to be a distinct edifice in the field of marine engineering and remote routing engineering besides the control and tracking systems applications. It is the first branch to begin the postgraduate studies in this field of navigation and guidance engineering in the Iraqi engineering universities. The major is concerned about studying techniques for locating vehicles, determining their path and directing them to their targets. On the other hand, the aims are to provide the relevant institutions and private sectors with advanced and highly qualified cadres in the field of navigation and guidance engineering to work in the design and implementation of various navigation systems control and tracking systems such as aircraft, airports, ships, locomotives and vehicles. Additionally, the other objectives of this field are represented by the ability in developing the mobile phones, providing the community with specialists, experts and scientific consultants in this field as well as supporting scientific research centres and projects within this field with skilled cadres that enhance the communication with engineering institutions and private sectors with local and international relations.


The opportunities for employing the Diploma degree of this major is as the following:


Navigation and Guidance Engineering is one of the few and rare specialities in the world, even there is no parallel in Iraq. The fields of employment opportunity are as following:


  • Ministry of defence.
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Ministry agriculture
  • Ministry of oil
  • Ministry of home office
  • Meteorological department
  • Ministry of Electrical
  • Ministry of Youth and Sports
  • Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction


List of employers who employees the graduates

 In progressing


Course period: Two years (Full time)


The scientific background qualification of the candidates to be accepted:


  • Bachelor’s degree in Electromechanical Engineering / Navigation and Guidance Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Communication Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (Radar, Control)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Aircraft Engineering.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering Branch


B.Sc – Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering 

Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering specializing in Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering


The Branch of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering was established in 2018-2019 in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering at the University of Technology. This specialization is unique in Iraq. The Branch of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering was founded to meet the needs of the labor market and to pursuit the developments in various international universities. The graduates can work in different governmental ministries, such as Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior. In addition, the graduates can serve in other different governmental establishment, such as the Ministry of Transport / Iraqi Airways, the Directorate of the Air Force, and the Directorate of Civil Defense. Further, they can be employed in Ministries of Agriculture and Oil. After four years of study, the graduates will have high qualifications and knowledge in the techniques of design and manufacture of various kinds of aircraft and their various uses. This will enable them to work in the design and implementation of vehicles and various aircraft and work in the fields of manufacture and maintenance of aircraft, and control stations and ground guidance of different size and applications of aircrafts.


Work fields for an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering:

The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering specialization is one of the modern specialties that was developed based on the requirements of the labor market in the field of unmanned aviation, as the engineer of unmanned aircraft systems can work in the following fields:

  • Ministry of Defense
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Oil Ministry
  • Ministry Of Agriculture
  • The Ministry of Electricity

Entities that have hired Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering graduates:

There are no graduated students until now


Duration of study:

Four years.


The scientific department that grants the specialization:

Electromechanical Engineering Department


The scientific backgrounds that can be submitted to obtain the specialization:

Preparatory school graduate. The scientific, applied and biological branches.

Graduates of Technical institutes with the corresponding special

Oil and Gas Equipment Engineering Branch

Oil and Gas Equipment Engineering – B.Sc.


Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering specializing in Oil and Gas Equipment Engineering


The branch is established in 2019-2020 in the electromechanical Engineering Department at the university of technology the branch is specialized in the equipment of production, transport, and storage of oil and gas in addition to the modern and novel control techniques for the crude oil treatment equipment that considered as active contributor to enhance the economics in the country of Iraq. The branch aims to provide practical engineers in the field of petroleum equipment engineering that have high levels of engineering skills to support effectively the oil sector. The Engineers are also having high level of scientific skills in the field of energy efficiency of oil and gas equipment and environmental protection from pollution.


Work fields for an Oil and Gas Equipment Engineer:

The oil and gas equipment engineering specialization is one of the modern specialties that was developed based on the requirements of the labor market in the oil field, the oil and gas equipment engineer can work in the following fields:

  • The Ministry of Oil
  • Fields and Refineries of Oil
  • Gas Fields and Pollution Control
  • Oil and Gas Transportation and Production
  • Oil Companies that containing oil and gas equipment
  • Investment Companies and the private factories.


Entities that have hired Oil and Gas Equipment engineering graduates:

There are no graduated students until now


Duration of study:

Four years.


The scientific department that grants the specialization:

Electromechanical Engineering Department


The scientific backgrounds that can be submitted to obtain the specialization:

Preparatory school graduate. The scientific, applied and biological branches.

Graduates of Oil institutes and Technical institutes with the corresponding specialization.